Our Mission

Conceived from a belief in secure and intimate user experiences,
we are determined to deliver products with extensive user security.

Pointful Privacy is centered at the core of every decision we make in every aspect of our organization.

Our products are designed to foster the most creativity from our users.
We trust that if we present people with safe and private experiences they will illuminate the world around them.

Product Principles

Following the simple ideas: Privacy, Security and Creativity we believe incredible people can create incredible products.
At Buddie Technologies we aim to put this belief into practice, technology is constantly evolving and taking the time to consider all your options is not always easy.
However, taking the time to create the solution best for our customers is why we started making products in the first place.
With the intentions of bringing the best product to market and following the strict principles we laid out we hope you will join us on this journey.
A Buddie Technologies product is carefully considered, offers unqiue user privacy and security combined with a level of creativity only we can offer.

Take Our Survey

In our commitment to listening to actual humans we encourage to particpate in our product survey.
If you give us two minutes of your time and your two cents that would be amazing.

As with everything we do, your privacy and security is at the core, that is Buddie Technologies does not track who chose to partcipate.

Contact Us

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to us at: